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Understanding Your Choice Of Stair Nosings

08 . 05 . 2015

When designing the perfect flight of stairs for your home, you will often be asked what sort of nosing you would like. This is a question that stops many people in their tracks, as they have no idea what a stair nosing actually is or what their options are. In this article, we have outlined the three choices that we offer here at Gowling Stairs and answer some of our clients’ more common questions.

What is a nosing? Do I need to have one?

This is, essentially, the name given to the edge of your treads – so you will most definitely need to have one! They are designed to frame the edge of your treads, making them more obvious to people walking up and down the stairs and trying to lessen the likelihood of someone tripping. As they perform such an important safety function, careful consideration should be made.

Does it perform any other functions?

Many of our clients also find that the stair nosing forms a decorative feature of the overall design. This is because they can be used to further enhance your chosen style (from classic and traditional through to modern and contemporary) and they can be created using a variety of materials (from timber to carpet). In many ways, the nosing can make or break your stairs.

  • Pencil Round – This type of nosing got its name, as the roundness of the edge resembles a sideways pencil. It is the most popular choice amongst our clients, as it can be carpeted or left as timber. It is usually associated with more traditional designs, as the roundness is quite soft.
  • Square – This type of nosing is slowly growing in popularity due to its attractiveness. It’s only around 30mm high and you may notice a curving or rounding to the edges.. It is usually associated with modern designs, as the boxy-ness is quite contemporary.
  • No Overhang – This type of nosing is also growing in popularity, especially amongst clients who want to eliminate all chances of tripping. It can be easily carpeted over, but it looks just as attractive in timber. The treads can be placed so that a distinctive line is created with the option of a 10mm x 10mm shadowline.

Whilst all of the stair nosings that we offer can be carpeted, it should be noted that this will look better on some styles more than others. If you are committed to having carpet, we recommend the pencil round style as the square one does tend to wear the carpet after time. Please contact the Gowling Stairs team if you need any assistance in making a decision.